1st Weston Village Scout Group

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About our Scout Group


Group Logo

Started in September 2009, 1st Weston Village is one of the 19 scout groups that form 'Axe District' within the scouting county of 'Avon'.

Our individual sections are named after helicopters, following Weston-super-Mare's association with Westland. We have two Beaver colonies (Wildcat and Apache), two Cub packs (Sea King and Lynx) and two Scout troops (Merlin and Blackhawk).

Can you Volunteer with Us?

We need your help!
We are always on the look out for new adults to boost our friendly bunch of leaders and helpers at 1st Weston Village Scout Group. We work as a team and are looking for help running our sections on a weekly basis.

Our enthusiastic volunteers help our young people get going, get thinking and get stuck into all kinds of things to give them skills for life. It's about giving them confidence, allowing them to speak up, think on their feet and go for it.

If you can help, or require a bit more information, please get in touch at admin@1stwestonvillage.org.uk.

A New Joiner's Guide

If you have a beaver, cub or scout who has just joined the group and you would like to find out what you need to do next, this is the place to start!

Please take a look at our handy guide which tells you all you need to know as you start your scouting journey with us...

Our Group Neckie

All scout groups have neckerchiefs in colours which are unique to them within the district.

Our neckie colours are black with an emerald green border.

Group Neckerchief

Our Unique Group Hoodies!

You can buy our group hoodies direct from the supplier at Osnic Embroidery.
Our group's scout t-shirts are also available from this site!

We have lots of adventures!

"Cubs is really fun! You get to go on lots of adventures, do lots of crafts and make lots of new friends!"
Erin (Cub Scout)

We always have a full programme of activities and have taken part in three International Jamborees, a district trip to Disneyland and have awarded many Chief Scout's Awards.

We believe in keeping our young members active, getting outdoors as often as possible.

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